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Cost of Living Crisis
Anima Youth's
Response Initiative
Take a look at how we are doing out part to tackle the impact of the Cost of Living Crisis is having on Young People we support.
Thanks to one of our amazing funders TNL Community Fund, we were able to take a group of 40 girls from our BIG SIS LIL SIS Mentoring Project on a shopping trip, where they were given £40 Westfield Gift Vouchers, to spend on buying warm items of clothing and any additional extras they wanted!
This video not only gives you a snippet into our day of shopping, but also how our young people are currently feeling about the Cost of Living Crisis.
We have had several of our young people tell us about their situations, one that stood out recently was
"honestly my period pads or even a warm coat for the cold weather and our cold house is the least of my mum's problems when she's a single parent trying to work as hard as possible to keep up with the increased bills and feed me and my other brothers and sisters... I don't blame her and also do not want to add the pressure"
If you would like to support us to continue our efforts in eradicating the disproportionate barriers faced by young people from marginalised and less privileged backgrounds you can also donate to our current Cost of Living Crisis campaign by clicking here
"I feel like the government really needs to do something about the cost-of-living, because if they don't, most children are more likely to end in poverty. Then the social services are more likely to get more children, and then the government is still going to pay"
- Young Person
"Most stuff is now becoming more expensive, so I’ve been charging my phone and laptop when I’m in college, I’ve been trying to not have my radiator on, I’ve been trying to support my siblings emotionally."
- Young Person